Birgitte Christine Kaas

1682 - 1761


Birgitte Christine Kaas was born at Elingaard in Onsøy parish in Norway and was the daughter of Hans Kaas (1657-1700) and Sophie Amalie Bielke. In 1713, she married Lieutenant-colonel Henrik Jørgen Huitfeldt (1674-1751) and moved back to Elingaard, which her father had sold, but which her husband had inherited after his first marriage. She lived there until her death.

Birgitte Christine Kaas’s handwritten poems were lost in an annihilating fire in 1746 when Elingaard was burned to the ground. In Nogle Aandelige Psalmer, Oversatte udaf det Tydske Sprog paa Dansk af den, Som inderlig begiærer at have udi sit Hierte Bestandig Christi Kierlighed the author’s name is concealed in the first letters of the last three words. The book, which was printed in Copenhagen in 1734, contains twenty-eight translations of German hymns, chiefly written by female authors.

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