About the digital edition


During the next two years the site will be in development with articles about Nordic Women’s Literature in the 21st Century. The project is anchored at University of Southern Denmark and KVINFO, the Danish Centre for Information on Gender, Equality, and Diversity.


Chief Editor Anne-Marie Mai, Professor at SDU, University of Southern Denmark

General Editor and Project manager: Anita Frank Goth, Head of Communication at KVINFO

Editorial Coordinator: Pernille Hasselsteen at University of Southern Denmark


Chief Editor and Project Manager: Anne-Marie Mai, Professor at SDU, University of Southern Denmark

General Editor and Project Manager: Anita Frank Goth, Head of Communication at KVINFO

Editorial Coordinator: Pernille Hasselsteen

Swedish Editor: Berith Backlund, KvinnSam, Göteborg Universitetsbibliotek

Senior Project Manager at KVINFO’s Library: Jytte Nielsen, Research Librarian

Techinical and Design Functions: Flemming Caspersen, Web Project Manager

Editor of Illustrations: Marianne Lentz


Danish: Henriette Andersen, KVINFO

Swedish: Berith Backlund

English: Maria Zennaro


All writers and artists have kindly made their articles and photoes available for online publication.


Danish to English : Gaye Kynoch

Swedish to English: Lena Sundin/Maria Zennaro

Norwegian to English: Andrew Bell/Maria Zennaro


The A.P. Møller & Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller Foundation, Denmark and Nordic Culture Fund.

KVINFO owns and is responsible for the Danish and English versions of the website. If you have questions or comments regarding either of these, please send an email to: mail@nordicwomensliterature.net, or contact:

Christians Brygge 3
1219 Copenhagen K
Phone: (+45) 3313 5088
Email: kvinfo@kvinfo.wp.prod.combell.peytz.dk

KvinnSam – National Resource Library for Gender Studies owns and is responsible for the Swedish version of the website. If you have questions or comments regarding the Swedish version, please use this form, or contact:

Berith Backlund, KvinnSam, Renströmsgatan 4, Box 222, 405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden
Phone: (+46) (0)31 786 1759

The first part of History of Nordic Women’s Literature Online was launched March 2012.

During the three years the site was in development, the project was anchored at KVINFO, the Danish Centre for Information on Gender, Equality, and Ethnicity.

KVINFO owns and is responsible for the Danish and English versions of the web site. If you have questions or comments regarding either of these, send an email to: mail@nordicwomensliterature.net, or contact:

Jytte Nielsen, KVINFO
Christians Brygge 3
1219 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Phone: (+45) 5076 3383

KvinnSam – National resource library for gender studies owns and is responsible for the Swedish version of the web site. If you have questions or comments regarding the Swedish version, use this form, or contact:

Berith Backlund, KvinnSam, Renströmsgatan 4, Box 222, 405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden
Phone: (+46) (0)31 786 1759


Chief editor: Elisabeth Møller Jensen, Director KVINFO

Senior project manager at KVINFO: Head of Library Jytte Nielsen

Editorial Team:

General editor and project manager: Anette Dina Sørensen, KVINFO

Swedish editor: Berith Backlund, KvinnSam, Göteborg Universitetsbibliotek

English editor: Martin Lamberth, KVINFO

Editor for illustrations: Julie Breinegaard, KVINFO

Editor for biographies (vol 5): Julie Breinegaard, KVINFO

Copy editor for English biographies: Lene Henriksen

Editorial assistant: Rikke Juel Madsen, KVINFO


All writers have kindly made their articles available for online publication.

Should you feel that your rights have been violated by the digital edition of the print work Nordisk Kvindelitteraturhistorie/Nordisk Kvinnolitteraturhistoria, we encourage you to contact us at:

Christians Brygge 3
1219 Copenhagen K

Phone: (+45) 3313 5088
Email: kvinfo@kvinfo.wp.prod.combell.peytz.dk


–          Danish to English (vols 1-3): Gaye Kynoch

–          Danish to English (vol 4): Jenifer Lloyd

–          Danish to English (vol 5): Tharangini Sriharan

–          Swedish to English (vol 2): Pernille Harsting

–          Swedish to English (vol 3): Ken Schubert

–          Swedish to English (vol 4): Marthe Seiden

–          Selected articles on Icelandic literature, Danish to English (vols 2, 3, and 4): Brynhildur Boyce


–          Vols 1 and 4: Brynhildur Boyce

–          Vols 2 and 3: Lene Henriksen

Proofreading following OCR:

–          Danish version: Liv Rolf Mertz, Mertz Lingo

–          Swedish version: Christian Lenemark, Berith Backlund


Techinical and Design Functions:

Scanning & Optical Character Recognition: Hamid Reza Mehrabi, The Royal Library, Denmark

Web design and development: NodeOne

Visual identity: Essensen A/P

Steering Committee:

Professor Lisbeth Larsson, University of Gothenburg

Professor Ebba Witt-Brattström, University of Helsinki

Professor Anne-Marie Mai, University of Southern Denmark

Director Elisabeth Møller Jensen, KVINFO

Research Librarian Jytte Nielsen, KVINFO


The A.P. Møller & Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller Foundation, Denmark

Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Sweden

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