Catharina Elisabeth Ehrenborg-Posse was the daughter of the writer Anna Frederica Ehrenborg, who was married to a governor from Mariestad. She received private tuition, attended a teacher training college in England, and went on to set up schools and educate teachers on the basis of Christian teachings. At the age of thirty-eight, she married J. A. Posse, a Member of Parliament and founder of the periodical Wäktaren, of which she became editor. In 1865 she was widowed with three young children.
After publication of her debut poems, Små foglar från Kinnekulle and the novel En students äfventyr under år 1845, 1846, she went on in 1851 to 1883 to publish numerous editions of religious songs, stories for Sunday school, observations and discourses such as “Strödda uppsatser om uppfostran”, 1882, in the series För skolan och hemmet, and “Qvinnans frigörelse” in Skrifter för hemmet, 1868-1875. The hymns she is known for are “När juldagsmorgon glimmar” and “Morgon mellan fjällen”.