Anna Dorthea Crondahl

1684 - 1761


Anna Dorthea Crondahl was married to the clergyman Joachim Crondahl (1693-1750) and lived from 1730 in Lyderslev and Frøslev on Zealand and from 1746 in Nyborg on Funen. She led a life marked by sickness and poverty; however, she was nonetheless among the women who in the late seventeenth century and early eighteenth century helped to renew religious life through books of prayer and hymns, particularly for personal use.

She published Siælens Lyst og Trøst, forestillet udi nogle faa Gudelige Sange og Aandelige Psalmer, printed in 1742, 1744, and 1762, Fortsættelse af Siælens Trøst … befattende en liden Nye Samling av XX Aandelige Psalmer, 1746, 1750, and 1762, Den Poeniterende David, 1742, and Aandelige Sange Til Sinds opmuntring For eenfoldige Christne, 1754.

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