Exact year of birth unknown. Anna Brade was abbess of Maribo Convent and daughter of Aksel Brahe of Krogholm and Tostrup, who died in 1487, and Maren Tygesdatter Lunge, who died around 1520.
Anna Brade is known for a prayer book, which she had written on her behalf. On the last page there is an inscription in red ink: “Thenne bogh lodh syster Anna Brades datter scriffue Aar efter gudz byrdh 1497” (This book was written on behalf of Sister Anna Brade by her daughter in AD 1497). It was bequeathed to her sister Elsebe Brade, who was married to Hans Skovgaard of Gundestrup. Her surname can be written as either Brade or Brahe.