In many countries in seventeenth-century Europe, women were forbidden to dress like men, and in some it was criminal. Dekker and Van de Pool note that the prohibitions were unusually strict in Europe compared to other cultures.
A conversation between postdoc Lucie Duggan, PI of the Augustinus-funded research project Reading Women. Karen Brahe and Female Book Ownership (1609-1736), SDU, and Professor Anne-Marie Mai, editor of Nordic Women’s Literature, SDU, on Lucie Duggan’s research project.
Nordisk kvinnolitteratur har flyttat in i nya omgivningar vid Syddansk Universitet, som kommer att inrymma verket i framtiden. En grupp forskare från Syddansk Universitet ska redigera nytt material till den stora sajten.
Nordisk kvinnolitteraturhistoria skapades som bok i fem volymer under perioden 1993 till 1998. 2017 utökades den med en sjätte volym om ny nordisk litteratur.