Liv Lundberg was born in Bardu in Troms and now lives in Tromsø. She is the daughter of a builder, trained at Statens kunst- og håndverksskole (Oslo National Academy of the Arts) and at the university in Tromsø.
She made her debut in 1979 with the poetry collection Den klare tonen, and is now an established poet and author of the collections Språkets hus har åpninger, 1982, Steindrømt, 1985, and Tveegget engel, 1988, and has rendered Sylvia Plath’s works into Norwegian. She is an active member of Nordnorsk Forfatterlag (the North Norwegian Writers’ Union). Her writing follows the tradition of Eldrid Lunden and is built on a heightened awareness of language. She has translated Inger Christensen’s poem alfabet into Norwegian. In 1997 she published Nybyggerens forutsetningsløshet (N).
Additions by the editorial team 2011:
The above biography was first published in 1998. Since then, Liv Lundberg has written the poetry collections Afrika, 1998, Iverksatt, 1999, Harlekins hud, 2001, and Når jeg ikke hører hjemme, 2008. She has also written the essays Tekstens etiske øyeblikk og andre essays, 2005.
She works as professor at Tromsø University today.