Ida Jessen was born in Gram in southern Jutland, grew up in Thyregod, and holds a degree in literary history and media science.
Her debut work, the short story collection Under sten, was published in 1989. She subsequently published De uskyldige (SS), 1994, and Den anden side af havet (SS), 1997, in which she writes suggestively in precise language about the quiet, mundane, and almost uneventful course of life. She has also written the children’s books Troldtinden, 1996, and De døde skær, 1997.
Additions by the editorial team 2011:
The above biography was first published in 1998. Since then, Ida Jessen has published the novels Vandpaladset, 1998, Sommertid, 1999, Den der lyver, 2001, Foxy lady I-V, 2003, ABC, 2005, Det første jeg tænker på, 2005, og Børnene, 2009. She has also written children’s books, as well as the short story collection En mand kom til byen, 2007.
Ida Jessen is the recipient of a number of awards and honours, including Statens Kunstfonds arbejdslegat, Holger Drachmann-legatet 2006, Jytte Borberg-prisen 2006, DR Romanprisen 2007, Søren Gyldendal Prisen 2009 and De Gyldne Laurbær 2010.