Lotte Inuk

1965 -


Lotte Inuk was born in Aarhus, was originally called Charlotte Christina Hoff Hansen, but, following her landmark years of growing up in Greenland, changed her name to Inuk, which means ‘a person’ in Innuit. She had ten years of schooling in eight different schools. She spent most of her childhood living alone with her mother.

Lotte Inuk, with her romantic urge to travel and interest in amateur astrology, published her debut novels Mona Måneskinsdatter and Maria Mia at the age of seventeen. Love, longing, and pain are recurring themes in her writing, which is characterised by a sensuous, visual, and mood-intense form of expression.

In 1993 she received the Ministry of Culture’s children’s book award for the first two books in her trilogy about Gina/Regina, femme fatale and aggrieved child with strong erotic appeal to both sexes. Her last book of the trilogy, Syv uger før Brasilien, was published in 1996.

Additions by the editorial team 2011:

The above biography was first published in 1998. Since then, Lotte Inuk has written the novels Ventedage, 1999, Huset med den røde postkasse, 2001, Sultekunstnerinde, 2004, and Store dyr, 2008. She has also written the children’s books Katarinas værelse, 1999, Da havet skyllede ind over byen en nat, 1999, and the educational book Mayna i flodernes land, 2004.

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