All writers have kindly made their articles available for online publication.
Should you feel that your rights have been violated by the digital edition of the print work Nordisk Kvindelitteraturhistorie/Nordisk Kvinnolitteraturhistoria, we encourage you to contact us at:
Christians Brygge 3
1219 Copenhagen K
Phone: (+45) 3313 5088
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Illustrations on the web site are drawn from the print work, with a few exceptions.
CopyDan International Licensing Agreement:
Artworks are reproduced in accordance with the contract licensing provisions in the Danish Copyright Act, article 24a. Rights holders are requested to contact Copydan BilledKunst, Bryggervangen 8, 2100 København Ø, Denmark, or billedkunst@billedkunst.dk for remuneration. Photographs are, with the exception of photographs of an artistic nature, not included under these provisions.
We have attempted to contact all holders of copyright of works and photographs, and many museums, archives, institutions, and individuals have kindly granted their permission for publication. In a few cases it has not been possible to reach the relevant owners.
Should you feel that your rights have been violated by the digital edition of the print work Nordisk Kvindelitteraturhistorie/Nordisk Kvinnolitteraturhistoria, we encourage you to contact us at:
Christians Brygge 3 1219
Copenhagen K
Phone: (+45) 3313 5088
Email: kvinfo@kvinfo.wp.prod.combell.peytz.dk
The illustrations encompass everything from postcards, photos, drawings, and etchings to oil paintings by well-known artists. They stand as an independent, but nonetheless enriching, comment on the articles, and on a thousand years of women’s cultural history.