Hansigne Lorenzen

1870 - 1952


Hansigne Lorenzen wrote about her native soil, came from southern Jutland, was born just south of the Danish border with Germany, and identified with Denmark and Danish culture. She was born into the family of a schoolmaster, followers of Grundtvig, and married a like-minded schoolmaster in 1890. While raising a large family, she also worked hard to organise women to promote Danish culture.

A couple of her poems were printed in the daily press from 1901, but actual success came with the publication of her novels Der kæmper et Folk, 1905, and its sequel Der stander en Strid, 1907, written under the pseudonym Sven Tange, and she became known as a national poet rallying to arms. Like her subsequent novels, they are written in an ornate, Romantic style revealing the passion evoked by the struggle against foreign domination.

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