Aale Tynni was the daughter of a teacher and grew up in Kolppana in Ingermanland. She graduated in 1936 and received an honorary doctorate in 1977. She was a diligent literary critic and a member of the committee of the Union of Finnish Writers from 1945 to 1960. She was married to Professor Kauko Pirinen and the poet and ethnographer, Professor Martti Haavio, who wrote under the pseudonym P. Mustapää. She had three children.
Aale Tynni made her debut in 1938 with Kynttiläsydän, which like her ensuing poetry collections consists of intimate poems about mothers, children, and families. Her other works are Ylitse vuoren lasisen, 1949, and Balladeja ja romansseja, 1967. She has also translated the works of world-famous poets.