Vigdís Grímsdóttir was born in Reykjavík, is a qualified teacher, and has a degree in Icelandic literature. She has two children.
Her debut work was a collection of short stories Tíu myndir úr lífi Þínu in 1983, which was followed by Eldur og regn (SS), 1985. However, her actual breakthrough came with the novel Kaldaljós, 1987. Between her next two novels, ég heiti Ísbjörg – ég er ljón, 1989, and Stúlkan í skóginum, 1992, she published two poetry collections, Lendar elskhugans, 1991, and Minningabók, 1990, in which the poet mourns her father’s death.
Her writing revolves around the themes of art, sexuality, and death. While her first novels are experimental in their use of language, hyperbolic, and poetic, her novel Grandavegur 7, 1994, is more subdued in tone. In 1996 her novel Z: ástarsaga was published.
Additions by the editorial team 2011:
The above biography was first published in 1998. Since then, Vigdís Grímsdóttir has written Þögnin, 2000, Frá ljósi til ljóss, 2001, Hjarta, tungl og bláir fuglar, 2002, Þegar stjarna hrapar, 2003, Þrenningin, 2005, Sagan um Bíbí, 2007, and Trúir þú á töfra?, 2011.