Anna-Lisa Bäckman was born in Vasa, Finland, and moved with her family to Sweden in 1950. She graduated in journalism in 1964 and studied drama at the Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts in 1982; she was a journalist for the newspaper Dagens Nyheter 1965-1997.
She made her debut as an author in 1970, when her poems were published in the magazine Ord & Bild, and the following year she published her travel account Svart. En resa i USA. Public success came with the publication of Fia i folkhemmet (N), 1974, which was initially published in serial form, and Fia med manifestet (N), 1975, both of which were dramatised for television.
Anna-Lisa Bäckman has written some twenty books. Her recurrent theme is personal rebellion against circumstances created by society. In Skogsluvan (N), 1979, she leaves realism behind and writes about adventurous, rebellious life in Botkyrkaskogen. Her later works are Molnets dotter (N), 1989, Storm över Pigboda. Kåserier, 1993. Ave. Till havet (P), 1994.
Additions by the editorial team 2011:
The above biography was first published in 1998. Since then, Anna-Lisa Bäckman has written the novel Blodnäva, 1998.